Research > Difesa + Americhe + Mediterraneo e Medioriente, Mediterraneo + Nato + Psdc + Relazioni transatlantiche + Sicurezza marittima + Unione europea + Usa

  • Mediterranean Women Mediators Network (MWMN)

    The initiative for a Mediterranean Women Mediators Network aims at fulfilling the need to increase the number of women involved in peacemaking efforts and facilitating the appointment of women...
    Start/End: 2017
  • The EU’s New Resilience Agenda in the MENA Region

    The new EU Global Strategy (EUGS) ‘Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe’ unveiled in late June 2016 could represent a point of departure to re-calibrate the EU’s external and security...
    Start/End: 2017
  • Defence Matters 2016

    The project aims at stimulating the Italian public debate over defence issues, in particular on the role of NATO in the current international context and Italy’s defence policy. Based on the...
    Start/End: 2016
  • Defence Matters 2015

    The project aims to stimulate the national public debate on a double focus: the Nato role in the current security environment, and the implication of the Italian White Book on International Security...
    Start/End: 2015
  • New-Med Research Network: The Future of Cooperation in the Mediterranean

    Established in June 2014, the New-Med Research Network is an independent research and engagement initiative combining track II and track I.5 formats to address underlining security and socio-...
    Start/End: 2014
  • Study on the impact on European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) of defence offsets requested by third countries

    The study aims at analyzing offsets in the international defence market with a particular focus on European aerospace, defence and security industry. Through the study of 9 non-European countries,...
    Start/End: 2013
  • Partnership with NATO Defense College

    Since 2011, IAI and NATO Defense College (NDC) collaborate on several initiatives aiming at stimulating debates on themes concerning Euro-Atlantic security, the role of the Alliance and its relations...
    Start/End: 2011
  • EU-GCC Cooperation

    In recent years, IAI has been developing its relations with the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in view of broadening its traditional focus on the Mediterranean and the Levant to this...
    Start/End: 2008
  • Programme for Promoting Conflict Prevention in the Mediterranean and the Middle East (CP Med)

    Between 2004 and 2006, the IAI and the Regional Centre on Conflict Prevention (RCCP) have been cooperating in a multi-annual project on conflict prevention in the Euro-Med region. The general goals...
    Start/End: 2004
  • Open Cooperation for European mAritime awareNess - OCEAN2020

    The project “Open Cooperation for European mAritime awareNess” - OCEAN2020 – was one of the first call of the Preparatory Action on Defence Research devoted to funding research in the defence field...
    Start/End: 2018
  • The role of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) in Italy and Europe

    The research project aimed at analyzing Italy's and Europe's investment in the JSF aeronautical program, providing suggestions on how to improve the program's performance at the European level....
    Start/End: 2007
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 13. ed.

    The occasion of the 160th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Italy and the United States of America is an opportunity to take stock of the rich history of the relationship between the two...
    Start/End: 2021
  • Defence and Security Matters 2017

    The project “Defence and Security Matters 2017: Italy”, funded by the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, contributes to the effort to communicate and discuss NATO purpose and role, particularly in...
    Start/End: 2017
  • Jean Monnet Network “Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America” - CREULAC

    Latin America and the European Union can both learn from their respective experiences on crisis management and democratic implications at national and regional level. The Jean Monnet Network on...
    Start/End: 2016
  • POWER2YOUTH - Freedom, dignity and justice

    Power2Youth is a consortium made up of 12 institutes and universities funded by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7). The project studied the causes and effects of processes of...
    Start/End: 2014
  • Network Enabled Capabilitis Technical Challenges - NEC TC

    The study aims to identify the technologies to develop in Europe in order to contribute to the implementation of network enabled capabilities to be utilized by European Armed Forces. The research...
    Start/End: 2013
  • IAI-OCP Strategic Partnership on Mediterranean Issues

    At the end of 2012, IAI launched a strategic partnership with the OCP Policy Center in Rabat dealing with Mediterranean issues This three-year research and outreach endeavoured leverages IAI's...
    Start/End: 2012
  • MEDPRO - Prospective analysis for the Mediterranean region

    MEDPRO is a consortium of 17 institutions from throughout the Mediterranean, funded under the EU's 7th Framework Programme and coordinated by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). The...
    Start/End: 2010
  • EUROCON - Study on State Control of Strategic Defence Assets

    The research analyses the EU member states’ regimes for the control of the defence strategic assets. It is widely based on interviews to the responsible of the implementation of these regimes....
    Start/End: 2009
  • The Union for the Mediterranean

    In the framework of the Barcelona Process, the summit of heads of state and government held in Paris on 13 July 2008 decided that the Union for the Mediterranean would replace the Euro-Mediterranean...
    Start/End: 2007