Space and Security in Europe
Start/End: 2003 - 2003Following a 2002 research project on the relations between the European Security and Defence Policy and the space sector (see IAI Quaderni, n.15), the IAI conducted an international study on...
From the Convention to the IGC: Mapping Cross-National Views towards an EU-30 (CONVEU)
CONVEU -- a project supported by the European Commission as part of the PRINCE programme -- started in September 2002 and ended in June 2003. The project involved a network of eight institutes...Start/End: 2002 - 2003 -
Redefining sovereignty: the use of force after the end of the Cold War: new options, lawful and legitimate?
Start/End: 2000 - 2003The aim of this project, launched in 2000 and conducted in collaboration with the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt and the Ohio State University College of Law in Columbus, US was to...
Capacity Building for the MENA Countries in the Forthcoming WTO Negotiations: the Core Area of Services Networks
Start/End: 2002 - 2002This capacity-building project, managed jointly by the IAI and the World Bank Institute (Washington) aimed to analyze the negotiating issues at the core of the future multilateral talks of the...
Prospettive transatlantiche sul Mediterraneo e il Medio Oriente
Start/End: 2002 - 2002In July 2001, the IAI initiated a project aimed at examining and promoting on a regular basis a common transatlantic perspective on security cooperation in the Middle East and the Mediterranean...
EU governance by self co-ordination? Towards a collective 'gouvernement économique' (GOVECOR)
As part of TEPSA, the IAI participated in an international project focussing on comparative analysis of the impact on European Union member countries of economic policies managed directly by the...Start/End: 2002 - 2002 -
Competition, cultural variety and global governance: the case of the global audio-video system
Start/End: 2002 - 2002This study - in cooperation with the HWWA-Institute fur Wirtschaftsforschung, Hamburg - was centred on the internationalisation processes under way in the audio-video sector and relative national...
Governing the European currency: legal and institutional aspect
Start/End: 1997 - 2002The aim of this study, carried out in collaboration with the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt, was to analyze the rules relative to the institution of the European Monetary Union and...
New International Challenges: Reassessing the Transatlantic Partnership
Start/End: 2000 - 2002An integral part of the transatlantic program funded by the German Marshall Fund, this project examined the state of political cooperation between Europe and the United States in order to advance...
La dimensione spaziale della Politica Europea di Sicurezza e Difesa
Start/End: 2001 - 2002This research project examined the prospects for adopting space technology in implementing the European security and defence policy in the framework of transatlantic cooperation. During the first...