Research > Tutti, Invalid input

  • The Geopolitics of Digital

    Continuing a line of research on digital and cyber policies that dates back to 2011, this research project aims to analyse the evolution of digital security from a European and Italian point of view...
    Start/End: 2019
  • The future of the European economy

    This series of conferences aims to contribute to the debates on the impact of the economic crisis and the new instruments of European economic governance with particular regard to their effects on...
    Start/End: 2012
  • IMG-S: Integrated Mission Group for Security

    IMG-S is the permanent open forum bringing together technology and security experts from industry, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), research and technology organizations and academia. In support to...
    Start/End: 2011
  • Global governance

    The aim of the project was to analyse, in the light of the current recovery stage, after the deep recession of the 2008-2009, the future possible positions for Italy in Europe and in the global...
    Start/End: 2011
  • OrizzonteCina

    OrizzonteCina is a bi-monthly magazine containing information and cultural debate on the domestic policy, the economy and the international relations of contemporary China. The magazine is designed...
    Start/End: 2010
  • Italian foreign policy yearbook

    Published since 2010 to 2013 by il Mulino, the yearbook La politica estera dell'Italia [=Italy's foreign policy] examined Italy's role and action in a rapidly changing international scenario. Edited...
    Start/End: 2010
  • Cooperation in the Mediterranean and the Middle East

    This program - launched in 2009 on the basis of a strategic partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) (see press release) - aimed at exploring the possibilities of...
    Start/End: 2009
  • Italian foreign policy chronology

    From 2009 to 2011 (see Yearbooks 2010-2012), the IAI has published a detailed chronology of Italy's foreign policy that offered relevant and up-to-dated information on the international role of Italy...
    Start/End: 2009
  • Ita-Turk Forum

    Since 2009, IAI has contributed to this initiative of Unicredit in cooperation with the Center for Strategic Research (Stratejik Arastirmalar Merkezi - SAM) and and the Italian and Turkish Ministries...
    Start/End: 2009
  • EU-28 Watch (former EU-27 Watch)

    The EU-28 Watch - edited by IEP, Berlin - monitored debates on EU policy since 2004 and provided a rich set of material compiling national debates on European policy. It reviewed the discourses on...
    Start/End: 2004
  • Public opinion trends in North America and Europe

    From 2003 to 2014 IAI contributed to the presentation in Italy of the Transatlantic Trends report, the survey on US and European public opinion’s view of the transatlantic relationship promoted...
    Start/End: 2003
  • New Trends in Italy’s Foreign Policy and the Evolution of its Partnership with the US

    This project aimed to thoroughly analyse the most recent evolution of Italy's foreign policy, with special attention devoted to its relations with the US. Three objectives in particular acted as a...
    Start/End: 2003
  • European Think-Tank Network on China

    The Institute is a member of the European Think-Tank Network on China (ETNC), a gathering of China experts from a selection of European think tanks and research institutes devoted to the study of...
    Start/End: 2014
  • Development and digitalisation in Africa: Italian cooperation policies and synergies with EU’s plans

    The project aims to assess and strengthen cooperation between Europe and Africa in the field of digital governance within a global context marked by interconnected crises that have exposed the...
    Start/End: 2024
  • Routes of dètente: maritime security and cooperation scenarios through the Red Sea

    In recent months, the Red Sea has become a focal point of the expanding conflict between Israel and Hamas, with repercussions not only on the stability of the Middle East but also on global trade....
    Start/End: 2024
  • Building a transatlantic technology bridge: challenges and opportunities

    The goal of this project is to analyse current initiatives that aim to strengthen and broaden transatlantic dialogue and cooperation on the challenges posed by technological development, with...
    Start/End: 2023
  • A new agenda for development: the role of development cooperation in the Italian G7 Presidency

    Building on the first phase of IAI’s partnership with Focus 2030, this project aims to continue fostering an evidence-based and multistakeholder conversation on Italy’s ODA, in light of the OECD-DAC...
    Start/End: 2023
  • Strengthening Italy’s foreign policy community 2023-24

    This project aims to promote knowledge exchange and transfer between policymakers and international affairs experts, with a view to creating a more cohesive group in the broad "foreign policy...
    Start/End: 2023
  • Collaboration with Environmental Defense Fund Europe

    The project focuses on energy and climate policy issues of interest to Italy and advocacy activities to engage a wider audience in the run-up to the European elections.The project builds on an...
    Start/End: 2023
  • Art and Politics: Italian Illustration for the Europe of Peoples

    The 'Art and Politics' project was managed by the Istituto Affari Internazionali in collaboration with the DG "Public and Cultural Diplomacy" of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and...
    Start/End: 2023