EDEN - (End-user driven DEmo for cbrNe)
Demo project aimed at exploiting skills and competences acquired in previous projects and R&D activities by coordinating and integrating them at the multinational and EU level. The objective was to enhance the management of CBRN-related events, especially cross-borders ones. The projects envisaged the validation on the field of the diverse proposed solutions. IAI was responsible for the EDEN End-Users Platform which aims at directing the project according to actual needs and feedback from users in the security field; it was also responsible for specific analysis on the EU institutional framework and on the proposal of recommendations to the European Commission in order to favour the development of a strong and integrated EU CBRN market.
Partners: BAE Systems (Coordinatore) con la partecipazione di aziende e di istituti di ricerca europei
Funding: European Commissione - 7th Framework Programme
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