Research > Tutti, Italia + Migrazione

  • Analysis of the signs of fragility in the priority areas for Italy's foreign policy

    This project aimed to create an exchange platform between officials from different ministries and agencies in Italy involved in the policy development concerning countries that present elements of...
    Start/End: 2019
  • Defence Matters 2013

    The research project aims to analyze the Italian debate on military issues, in particular with respect to defence spending and Italian participation in mission abroad. Besides working on primary and...
    Start/End: 2013
  • MEDI (Mapping of the European Defence Industry)

    IAI role in MEDI was to support JRC (Joint Research Center) and the EU Commission's DG Market and Enterprise in gathering data and analyses related to defence industry and budgets in Italy, within a...
    Start/End: 2006
  • The integration of French and Italian economic sectors: strategic and political aspects

    Bilateral relations between Italy and France are going through a delicate and important phase. The intensive integration between several Italian and French economic sectors (energy, insurance,...
    Start/End: 2005
  • Competition, cultural variety and global governance: the case of the global audio-video system

    This study - in cooperation with the HWWA-Institute fur Wirtschaftsforschung, Hamburg - was centred on the internationalisation processes under way in the audio-video sector and relative national...
    Start/End: 2002
  • The role of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) in Italy and Europe

    The research project aimed at analyzing Italy's and Europe's investment in the JSF aeronautical program, providing suggestions on how to improve the program's performance at the European level....
    Start/End: 2007
  • Il sistema del supporto logistico delle Forze Armate. Problemi e prospettive

    The study examined the requirements pressing for a modern national logistics support system and the problems linked to implementing and managing it, in light of the international experience which...
    Start/End: 2000
  • European Dialogue on Disinformation ahead of the 2024 European election

    The project, “European Dialogue on Disinformation ahead of the 2024 European elections” aims to provide a pre-election overview of the challenges and risks posed by disinformation. With a...
    Start/End: 2023
  • Italian-German Strategic Dialogue

    The Italian-German Strategic Dialogue (IGSD) is the continuation of the Italian-German Strategic Forum, organized by the IAI since 2016 on an almost annual basis. From the outset, the aim of the...
    Start/End: 2022
  • EU Climate Action Dialogues. The Future of the EU - make climate action its trademark

    The project aims at analysing the role and the potential of the Conference on the Future of the EU in anchoring climate policies in the EU reform process. Project activities include monitoring of the...
    Start/End: 2020
  • EP votes that shaped EU and national politics 2009-2014

    The project was conducted in collaboration with Notre Europe, within the framework of the Vote Watch Europe Annual Report. Twelve European think-tanks took part in the project, which aimed to...
    Start/End: 2013
  • Italy and cyber defence

    In the last few years, cyberattacks all over the world have experienced an exponential raise in terms of numbers, type, impact and significance. Cybersecurity concerns both the military and civilian...
    Start/End: 2021
  • BRIDGES – Bridges to assess the production and impact of migration narratives

    BRIDGES aims to understand migration narratives in a context of increasing politicisation and polarisation by focusing on six European countries: France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and the...
    Start/End: 2020
  • Italy and the anti-ballistic missile defence programs

    The project analyzed the strategic, political, economic, technological and industrial implications of Italy's participation in the anti-ballistic missile defence programs proposed by the US and NATO...
    Start/End: 2008
  • The Italian Presidency of the European Union

    The IAI undertook a series of activities regarding the Italian Presidency of the European Union (July-December 2003). These included an international conference held in the spring on issues of...
    Start/End: 2003
  • IAI report on Italian foreign policy

    Since 2014 the institute has been producing a comprehensive report on Italy's presence and interests in the international arena, the state of the art and the strategic priorities of Italian foreign...
    Start/End: 2014
  • Opinion survey on Italian foreign policy

    Since 2013 IAI, in cooperation with Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca sul cambiamento politico (CIRCaP) of the University of Siena, has realized periodic surveys aimed at identifying and...
    Start/End: 2013
  • Italian foreign policy yearbook

    Published since 2010 to 2013 by il Mulino, the yearbook La politica estera dell'Italia [=Italy's foreign policy] examined Italy's role and action in a rapidly changing international scenario. Edited...
    Start/End: 2010
  • Ita-Turk Forum

    Since 2009, IAI has contributed to this initiative of Unicredit in cooperation with the Center for Strategic Research (Stratejik Arastirmalar Merkezi - SAM) and and the Italian and Turkish Ministries...
    Start/End: 2009
  • Italian foreign policy chronology

    From 2009 to 2011 (see Yearbooks 2010-2012), the IAI has published a detailed chronology of Italy's foreign policy that offered relevant and up-to-dated information on the international role of Italy...
    Start/End: 2009