Research > Ue, politica e istituzioni + Americhe + Economia politica internazionale, global governance, Coronavirus + G7/G20 + Governance economica + Multilateralismo + Omc + Relazioni transatlantiche + Unione europea + Usa

  • Prospettive transatlantiche sul Mediterraneo e il Medio Oriente

    In July 2001, the IAI initiated a project aimed at examining and promoting on a regular basis a common transatlantic perspective on security cooperation in the Middle East and the Mediterranean areas...
    Start/End: 2002
  • New International Challenges: Reassessing the Transatlantic Partnership

    An integral part of the transatlantic program funded by the German Marshall Fund, this project examined the state of political cooperation between Europe and the United States in order to advance...
    Start/End: 2000
  • Governing the European currency: legal and institutional aspect

    The aim of this study, carried out in collaboration with the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt, was to analyze the rules relative to the institution of the European Monetary Union and its...
    Start/End: 1997
  • European Macroeconomic Imbalances and Policy Adjustments

    This is a study of the imbalances in current accounts of Eurozone countries and possible adjustment mechanisms.The study is broken down into three parts:- a study of the growing imbalances in current...
    Start/End: 2012
  • G8 Working Group

    The initiative, conceived of by two prestigious international research institutes - The Institute for International Economics, Washington, and the Tokyo Foundation - involved setting up an...
    Start/End: 2000
  • Global governance

    The aim of the project was to analyse, in the light of the current recovery stage, after the deep recession of the 2008-2009, the future possible positions for Italy in Europe and in the global...
    Start/End: 2011
  • EU-28 Watch (former EU-27 Watch)

    The EU-28 Watch - edited by IEP, Berlin - monitored debates on EU policy since 2004 and provided a rich set of material compiling national debates on European policy. It reviewed the discourses on...
    Start/End: 2004
  • New Trends in Italy’s Foreign Policy and the Evolution of its Partnership with the US

    This project aimed to thoroughly analyse the most recent evolution of Italy's foreign policy, with special attention devoted to its relations with the US. Three objectives in particular acted as a...
    Start/End: 2003