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Energy, climate and resources

Head of the programme: Margherita Bianchi
Research tam: Lorenzo Colantoni, Max MünchmeyerPier Paolo Raimondi, Alessio Sangiorgio
Luca Franza, Marco Giuli and Valeria Termini, scientific advisors

The IAI pays growing attention to the great changes within the fields of the energy transition and climate change, together with an enhanced interest for the increasingly geopolitical relevance of natural resources and their exploitation. These changes don’t affect merely the energy sector, but they also have an impact on the socio-economic dynamics at the national, regional and global levels.

The research activity at the IAI focuses on thematic and geographic areas that are considered fundamental not only for what concerns energy security in Italy and in the EU, but also to understand the future developments of the aforementioned changes at the global level. Among the various topics, the Institute pays particular attention to the future of the energy transition, the role of natural gas, the relationships between the southern and northern shores of the Mediterranean, transatlantic relations and relations with China, the clean tech value chains, and the sustainable development of Sub-Saharan Africa. The IAI also produces a systematic analysis of European energy and climate policies, which are now grouped under the Green Deal umbrella. The team also deals with deforestation and environmental crimes.

The IAI cooperates with the main institutional actors and the major companies involved in these changes at the national and international levels, by organising seminars and conferences, and through studies and publications on energy, climate and the sustainable use of resources.

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