Development of New Solutions for the Protection of European Citizens and Infrastructures Against Terrorist Threats – EUProtect

The project brought together six European partners led by STAM. EUProtect purpose was to develop new concepts of urban landscape design, taking into account changes in terrorist threats and recent attacks (Paris, Brussels, Barcelona and Nice) against the so-called “soft targets”, public and crowded places and crowded allowing terrorists to maximize the number of victims. Special attention was paid to citizens, through the modeling and simulation of their behavior in the event of terrorist attacks. The project analyzed two use-cases: a subway station and a shopping center for which the project aimed to define two potential attack scenarios, in order to develop protection measures that cover both standard and CBRN attacks (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear). The aim of the Project was, furthermore, to elaborate guidelines on best practices to be adopted and, in the end, to disseminate them to the community of decision makers in order to raise awareness of the threats. IAI led an analysis of terrorist attacks occurred in the past in order to identify future trends and contribute to the definition of scenarios for the two case studies of the project.
Funding: European Union-DG Home, Compagnia di San Paolo-Programma International Affairs