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A comparative analysis of Italian and Spanish approaches to migration: the case of the Sahel

2017 - 2018

This project comparatively analysed Italian and Spanish approaches to migration in the Sahel region. Promoted by the Italian Embassy in Madrid, and coordinated by IAI and the Elcano Royal Institute, it examined the migratory challenges faced by Italy and Spain and explored potential venues for enhancing cooperation and coordination between the two countries. Based on desk research as well as interviews with relevant policymakers in Italy, Spain and European institutions, the two countries’ approaches to the external dimension of migration management were examined through two case studies: Italian policies in Niger and Spanish policies in Senegal. The analysis identified best practices and room for improvement both in terms of bilateral cooperation and in the EU framework. Drawing on this analysis, the research team produced a policy paper, including recommendations on how to enhance bilateral dialogue and cooperation so as to respond to shared challenges.

The policy paper was presented at the final conference on 18 May 2018 in Madrid, where the findings of the study was shared with policy-makers and senior officials from both countries, representatives of international organisations in Spain, think-tanks, NGOs, and members of academia and media.

Funding: Italian Embassy in Madrid, Compagnia di San Paolo

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