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ANVIL - Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe FP7-SEC2010

2012 - 2014

The objective in this project is to explore and compare relevant cultural phenomena and legal determinations of civil security across Europe, taking into account the existing significant differences between countries and regions. The aim is to give the EU a clear view of which kind of systems that could successfully enhance the security in certain regions, and contribute and give EU-added value to the debate concerning “not one security fits all”.

Partners: Research Management AS / Coordinator (Norway), Universiteit Utrecht (Netherlands), Ideella Foreningar Utrikespolitiskainstitutet Informationsavd (Sweden), University of Essex (UK), Institut za Medunarodne Odnose Imo (Croatia), Hellenberg International (Finland) Institut fur Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (Germany), Swedish National Defence College (Sweden), Univeristet u Beogradu (Serbia), Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique (France), Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poland)

Funding: Commissione europea-7th Framework Programme

Country Study: Italy
The Italian Civil Security System (IAI Research Paper 11)
Il sistema di sicurezza civile italiano (Quaderni IAI 8)
Civil Security and the European Union

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