OPERAMAR (An InterOPERAble Approach to European Union MARitime Security Management)
The main purpose of this research project is to propose a model of interoperability for "Pan-European Maritime Security Awareness". In particular, such a models is supposed to reduce the...Start/End: 2008 -
International Relations Observatory
This a joint project conducted by IAI and three other research centres in cooperation with Italy's Parliament. The objective is to provide members of parliaments, in particular the delegations to the...Start/End: 2008 -
The Contribution of Italy and the European Union to the Collective Security System of the United Nations
This project assessed the contributions of Italy and the European Union to the functioning and reform of the UN security system and put forward policy recommendations aimed at increasing their role...Start/End: 2007 -
SAGA - Satellite Advanced Global Architecture for Security
The main objective of the project is to identify potential innovative solutions for the realization of a global satellite architecture providing communication services that respond to the technical...Start/End: 2011 -
Il ruolo dell'elicottero nel nuovo scenario militare: le prospettive italiane
This research project started with an examination of recent military experiences and the strategic debate and moved toward consideration of the effective potentials of the helicopter in the new...Start/End: 1999 -
Framework contract for Permanent Monitoring and Analysis of military capabilities and defence sector trends
This four-year project coordinated by IAI, provided a constant monitoring of military capabilities of EU Member States and other associated countries, through the creation and management of a...Start/End: 2015 -
How to Enhance European citizens’ participation in the European Integration
This is a follow-up of the research project on European democracy, launched by the IAI, in co-operation with Notre Europe (Paris) and the Centro Studi sul Federalismo (Turin) in early 2009, before...Start/End: 2009 -
The Reform Treaty and the future of the European Union
Acting on indications from its honorary president, Senator Carlo Azeglio Ciampi,in 2007 the institute deliberated on the relaunching of the EU's institutional reform process and of Italy's role in...Start/End: 2007 -
Definition of European Security Objectives – Security Network for Technological Research in Europe (SeNTRE)
A project defining the objectives and typologies of European security. in collaboration with the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS), Paris, Led by the ASD (Aeronautic Space and Defence,...Start/End: 2004 -
Egypt in transition
IAI launched a two-years (2013-2014) project focused on Egyptian uncertain transition. Following closely the evolution of the events, the study - divided into quarterly reports - analyzed the socio-...Start/End: 2013 -
Global Health Security and Malaria: Strengthening Resilience in a climate change and AMR World
This project examines the fight for the elimination of malaria as a case study for the broader debates that the global health community is currently engaged in, such as the climate change and health...Start/End: 2023 -
Think7 (T7)
Think7 (T7) is the official think tank engagement group of the Group of 7 (G7). It provides research-based policy recommendations for G7 countries and partners. The Istituto Affari Internazionali...Start/End: 2023 -
An Italian-German Dialogue on Energy Security and Transition amid Russia’s War on Ukraine
This project aims to strengthen coordination between Italy and Germany concerning energy transition and energy security, both at the bilateral and European levels. To achieve this, it creates...Start/End: 2023 -
UNITE – against environmental crimes
The project aims at providing a full understanding of the environmental crimes taking place between South East Asian countries and EU Member States. Building on the methodology developed for the...Start/End: 2023 -
Agriculture and deforestation: the role of the EU to reduce the impact of agricultural activities on global forests
The project analyzes the direct and indirect impact of European demand for agricultural products on global deforestation, and proposes policy, technical and social solutions to reduce or minimize it...Start/End: 2023 -
Ten Years of Crisis in the Sahel Region. Perspectives for an EU Contribution to Peace and Security
Ten years from its outbreak, the Sahel crisis has assumed a new dimension in terms of degeneration of legitimate governance and regional security structures (ECOWAS and African Union), compounded by...Start/End: 2022 -
This project (2022-2026), coordinated by the Institut d’études européennes (IEE) at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), will assess the EU’s capacity to act given the challenges facing...Start/End: 2022 -
Re-configuring EU-Turkey Relations: New Visions for Foreign Policy Cooperation towards a Shared Regional Future
With the withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan and the continuation of overlapping security and stability challenges across much of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), foreign policy...Start/End: 2022 -
The strategic nature of space for global and Italian security
The increasing use of space for security and defence purposes highlights the strategic dimension of the sector. The project analysed the global strategic competition in space and the implications for...Start/End: 2021 -
The role of Italy in the international economy of hydrogen: geo-economic and geopolitical implications
The role of hydrogen to achieve climate goals is emerging clearly. This molecule presents some favourable characteristics that allow to overcome some limitations of electrification, such as the...Start/End: 2021