Research > Asia + Americhe + Energia, clima e risorse, Invalid input

  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 14. ed.

    The 14th edition of the Transatlantic Symposium, the annual forum where experts and officials from the US, the EU and other countries discuss the main items in the transatlantic agenda, has focused...
    Start/End: 2022
  • European Green Deal: Reaching Beyond Borders

    The IAI-Enel Foundation paper series analyses the external dimension of the European Green Deal (EGD) and its “global” consequences, with a particular focus to how the EU, US and China interact with...
    Start/End: 2022
  • EU-Korea SDGs Workshop Series

    The “EU-Korea SDGs Workshop Series” was a project coordinated by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and funded by the Korea Foundation (KF), which was launched in 2021 with the aim of...
    Start/End: 2021
  • EU Climate Action Dialogues. The Future of the EU - make climate action its trademark

    The project aims at analysing the role and the potential of the Conference on the Future of the EU in anchoring climate policies in the EU reform process. Project activities include monitoring of the...
    Start/End: 2020
  • Revitalising the Study of EU Single Market Integration in a Turbulent Age - VISTA

    This three-year project (2019-2022), led by the University of Maastricht, has three objectives: (a) to analyse the internal dynamics of the EU single market and the resulting external implications...
    Start/End: 2019
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 10. ed.

    The tenth edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium took place Rome on 14-15 June 2018 at Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The seminar - Transatlantic Security in an Age of Uncertainty -...
    Start/End: 2018
  • Boosting EU-Korea Security Relations in an Age of Turbulence

    This project – carried out thanks to a grant from the Korea Foundation - examines EU-ROK security relations and promotes security cooperation between Brussels and Seoul. Four security policy areas...
    Start/End: 2018
  • IAI-Eni Strategic Partnership

    The initiative – in collaboration with Eni – aims at analyzing the challenges and huge opportunities related to energy transitions worldwide, assessing and rising awareness on their impact on...
    Start/End: 2018
  • Jean Monnet Network “Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America” - CREULAC

    Latin America and the European Union can both learn from their respective experiences on crisis management and democratic implications at national and regional level. The Jean Monnet Network on...
    Start/End: 2016
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 9. ed.

    The ninth edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium was held in Rome on 29-30 September 2016 at Italy's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The conference focused on “Europe’s Security Governance and...
    Start/End: 2016
  • EU-India Think Tanks Twinning Initiative

    Under the support of the EU Delegation to India, the EU-India Think Tank’s “Twinning Initiative” aimed to bring together the brightest minds from the EU and India in order to develop ideas on how...
    Start/End: 2015
  • The Future of Gas Markets

    The project, running from May 2015 to May 2016 and leading to the publication of an edited volume, assesses the evolution of the global gas markets, in relation to the changing dynamics of the oil...
    Start/End: 2015
  • The Changing Regional Role of Turkey and Cooperation with the EU in the Neighbourhood

    Turkey has moved from being an interlocutor to a key player in its neighbourhood. The aim of this study is to explore the implications this has for Turkey's regional role, for its security,...
    Start/End: 2014
  • Chinese investments in Italy: Facing risks and grasping opportunities

    Chinese investments in Italy are similar to investments in other advanced economies, but also have country-specific features. From the point of view of Chinese investors, Italy is an attractive...
    Start/End: 2014
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 6. ed.

    The sixth edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium took place on 2 December 2013 at Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome. The conference focussed on "Transatlantic Security in the Sahel...
    Start/End: 2013
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 15. ed.

    The Transatlantic Symposium 2023-24 has reflected upon the trends and geopolitical implications of transatlantic economic policies and cooperation on technology development and governance. The...
    Start/End: 2023
  • The new frontiers of natural gas in Europe

    The objective of this research project is to analyse the role of gas in the context of the European energy transition. It will analyse the new frontiers of gas both in geographical terms and in terms...
    Start/End: 2022
  • Transatlantic Security Symposium - 12. ed.

    The 12th edition of IAI's Transatlantic Symposium took place on 5 November 2020. The event was held online due to travel and convening restrictions imposed by governments across Europe and the US to...
    Start/End: 2020
  • Towards the COP26: a 'green recovery' for a sustainable and prosperous world

    The project promoted an informed debate in view of the high-level international events guided or co-led by Italy in 2021, a decisive year for climate action: the G20, the 'Youth4Climate 2020: Driving...
    Start/End: 2020
  • D-10 Strategy Forum

    The D-10 Strategy Forum is a network of representatives from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States, plus the European Union, - the...
    Start/End: 2014