Research > Difesa + Americhe, Difesa europea + Mediterraneo + Nato + Relazioni transatlantiche + Russia + Vertice

  • Focus on Transatlantic Relations

    This is a quarterly report on the evolution of US-EU relations and transatlantic policies, produced for the Italian Parliament in the framework of the broader and more comprehensive Osservatorio di...
    Start/End: 2008
  • Osservatorio transatlantico

    This project was for a while IAI’s most structured cooperation initiative with one of the houses of Italy’s Parliament, the Senate of the Republic. Given its success, in 2009 the project evolved into...
    Start/End: 2004
  • New International Challenges: Reassessing the Transatlantic Partnership

    An integral part of the transatlantic program funded by the German Marshall Fund, this project examined the state of political cooperation between Europe and the United States in order to advance...
    Start/End: 2000
  • L’Italia e il nuovo Concetto strategico Nato

    The Atlantic alliance elaborated the new Strategic concept, which was approved at the Head of States and Governments Summit held in Madrid in June 2022. Multiple consultations among member States and...
    Start/End: 2022
  • New Trends in Italy’s Foreign Policy and the Evolution of its Partnership with the US

    This project aimed to thoroughly analyse the most recent evolution of Italy's foreign policy, with special attention devoted to its relations with the US. Three objectives in particular acted as a...
    Start/End: 2003