Director: Alessandro Marrone
Papers produced in the context of IAI research programmes. The series includes conference proceedings, reports and research papers. The first two digits in the identification code indicate the year; the last two the serial number. Identification code IAI AA NN: AA=publication year; NN=number of order. For titles published before 2009 see here.
Military Technology: Risks and Opportunities for the Atlantic Alliance
Pierluigi Barberini
In: Documenti IAI 20|10
COVID-19: Which Effects on Defence Policies in Europe?
Alessandro Marrone, Ottavia Credi
In: Documenti IAI 20|09
Algeria: Between Popular Protests, Political Uncertainty and Regional Turmoil
Andrea Dessì, Flavia Fusco
In: Documenti IAI 20|06
The Threats of Dual-use Drones and the Implications for Italy: Executive Summary
Ester Sabatino, Francesco Pettinari
In: Documenti IAI 20|05
La minaccia dei droni duali e le sfide per l'Italia
Ester Sabatino, Francesco Pettinari
In: Documenti IAI 20|04
Le forze italiane in missione all'estero: trend e rischi
Alessandro Marrone, Michele Nones
In: Documenti IAI 20|03
Space and the Future of Europe as a Global Actor: EO as a Key Security Aspect
Jean Pierre Darnis, Xavier Pasco, Paul Wohrer
In: Documenti IAI 20|02
L'Europa della difesa accelera, e l'Italia?
Francesco Pettinari
In: Documenti IAI 20|01