Director: Alessandro Marrone
Papers produced in the context of IAI research programmes. The series includes conference proceedings, reports and research papers. The first two digits in the identification code indicate the year; the last two the serial number. Identification code IAI AA NN: AA=publication year; NN=number of order. For titles published before 2009 see here.
Artillery in Present and Future High-Intensity Operations
Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone
In: Documenti IAI 24|10
Preparing for Enlargement: Contributions of the EU and the Western Balkans
Matteo Bonomi, Luisa Chiodi, Luca Cinciripini, Pietro Sala
In: Documenti IAI 24|09
Stato dell’arte dei velivoli da combattimento senza pilota e prospettive future
Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone
In: Documenti IAI 24|08
Le minacce cyber ed elettromagnetiche alle infrastrutture spaziali
Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone, Maria Vittoria Massarin, Michele Nones, Gaia Ravazzolo
In: Documenti IAI 24|07
NATO and Italy in the 75th Anniversary of the Alliance: Perspectives beyond the Washington Summit
Alessandro Marrone, Gaia Ravazzolo
In: Documenti IAI 24|06
The Italian German Action Plan and Its Consequences over Industry and Defence
Federico Castiglioni
In: Documenti IAI 24|05
La governance spaziale europea e le implicazioni per l’Italia
Karolina Muti, Michele Nones
In: Documenti IAI 24|04
The Transformative Potential of AI and the Role of G7
Ettore Greco, Federica Marconi, Francesca Maremonti
In: Documenti IAI 24|03