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The goal of this volume is to assess how a sustainable agricultural transition can generate positive spill-over effects for the people, the primary sector and the environment in Africa and Ghana. The book is divided into two parts. The first one contains a photographic section, with a series of stories collected from field work in Ghana and that highlight the path of the country towards a more sustainable agricultural transition, that leaves no one behind. Part two analyses the status of nutrition and agriculture in Ghana and it is divided into four chapters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the nutritional status of Ghana, focusing on the main challenges that the country is facing, including a section on the potential effects of Covid-19. Chapter 2 focuses on agriculture in Ghana, by focusing on two specific crops that are important for the current and future sustainable development of Ghanaian agriculture – cocoa and coffee. Chapter 3 describes the harmful impact of unsustainable fishing for the Ghanaian environment, by concentrating on the repercussions caused by illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. Finally, Chapter 4 presents some forward looking reflections on the main challenges that agriculture in Ghana will face, showing the potential of digital solutions applied to agriculture to accelerate growth, reduce inequalities and foster sustainable development.

Volume produced in the framework of the project "The African Century: People, Agriculture and the Environment".

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