The Rome office of the European Council of Foreign Relations (ECFR) organised a brainstorming session/roundtable on North Africa in collaboration with the Institute for International Affairs (IAI...
Italian-Polish seminar on "Looking beyond the crisis: the challenges ahead for the European Union"
Brainstorming on "Oltre il Fiscal Compact, le prospettive di sviluppo politico-istituzionale dell'UE"
Seminar on "The EU budget: a driving force for changing Europe?", in cooperation with Centro Studi sul Federalismo, IEP and Notre Europe
TEPSA Pre-Presidency Conference Priorities and Challenges of the Italian Presidency 2014, organised within the framework of the project of the same title by the Trans European...
Workshop on: "L’Europa e le Politiche di Migrazione", organized by the Representation of the European Commission in Italy within the framework of the project Politically.EU
"The European Union is in the midst of the worst crisis of the last decades, an internal crisis that is affecting the development of a coherent foreign policy, forcing European countries to change...
The European Union has shown that the way to exit the crisis is by working together. The Fiscal Compact is proof. This is what Enzo Moavero, Italian Minister for European Affairs, claimed while...
Seminar on "Reviving EU-Turkey relations: Visa free travel for Turkish citizens", in cooperation with Esi
Expert seminar on "How to strengthen the EU as a global player – Italy and Germany in the driver’s seat?", in coopration with Iep