The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated many trends already underway in the global economy. This reorientation of global and collective priorities means to identify and pursue new...
The G20 countries play a crucial role in promoting more sustainable agri-food systems and ensuring health systems are supported as the primary mechanism for...
Investments in infrastructure are considered as a major driver of economic growth. According to the latest estimates by the Global Infrastructure Hub, the level...
Tourism has been one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic. IAI, as Co-Chair of T20, will hold a webinar “How to safely reopen international travel and support tourism: The role of G20” on...
A significant share of global production takes place in global value chains (GVCs). Participating in GVCs is widely associated with economic benefits, such as productivity and employment creation...
The world after COVID-19 should not return to the world that was. The pandemic has accelerated many trends already underway in the global economy, amplifying the need to rethink a greener and more...
The G20 has progressively enlarged its agenda which now covers all major global issues. It has the primary responsibility for promoting macroeconomic cooperation and safeguarding financial...
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every nation in the world, highlighting how globally interconnected we are. To mitigate the health, social and economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis, the world...
Before the global outbreak of Covid-19, a number of governments and multilateral initiatives were taking steps to promote a circular economic model built on the need to better value resources that...
The G20 (Group of Twenty) countries – both advanced and developing economies – are experiencing unprecedented shifts in their demographic profiles, including, in particular, fast population ageing...