News > G7/G20

In the pursuit of a more technologically advanced and socially responsible future, the Think 7 (T7) established a dedicated task force called "Science and Digitalization for a Better Future" (TF4...


On April 9, 2021 from 2-4pm CEST, the OECD Development Centre and the T20 Co-Chair International Affairs Institute(Istituto Affari Internazionali, IAI) are co-promoting the DEV Talk - T20...


Joint sitting of Chamber of Deputies and Senate Committee III (Foreign affairs)- 23 June 2009

Fact-finding investigation on the Italian G8 presidency and prospects for global...


In 2024, Italy will hold the rotating Presidency of the G7. Faced with a fraught geopolitical environment and persistent crises whose intensity does not seem to decrease, how will the seven...


The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitalization process, throwing into sharp relief its challenges and opportunities. As the digital transformation is advancing at a quick pace, it is...


On July 12, 2021 from 14 until 15.45, IAI in collaboration with Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, within the framework of the T20 related activities, the T20 Roundtables, has organized a closed-...


The Covid-19 crisis and the war in Ukraine added further pressures on the current rule-based multilateral order and its capacity to deal with emerging global challenges. The German G7 Presidency...


The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) will present the Institute’s annual report on Italian foreign policy during a round table discussion with politicians, journalists and experts.



The G20 countries must play a crucial role in promoting more sustainable agri-food systems and ensuring health systems are supported as the primary mechanism for delivering programs to fight...


IAI, T20 National Co-Chair, and ACTION Global Heath Advocacy Partnership organized the webinar “Responsible to Protect: G20 tackling the global nutrition pandemic”, which was held online on July...
