European Think Tanks Contact Group on Libya. Towards a new common European narrative on Libya
Start/End: 2021 - 2022The emergence of a National Unity Government (GNU) led by Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh in mid-March 2021 had initially given rise to cautious optimism for the Libyan transition. Yet, many...
Re-configuring EU-Turkey Relations: New Visions for Foreign Policy Cooperation towards a Shared Regional Future
Start/End: 2022 - 2022With the withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan and the continuation of overlapping security and stability challenges across much of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), foreign policy...
10 years of protests in the Middle East and North Africa. Dynamics of mobilization in a complex (geo)political environment
Start/End: 2020 - 2021A decade after the outbreak of protests in the Arab world, the processes of contestation and grassroots mobilisation continue to impact the Middle East. With the aim of understanding continuity...
Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission - EuroMeSCo
Start/End: 1996 - 2020IAI participates in the activities EuroMeSCo - the euro-Mediterranean network of non-governmental institutions dealing with foreign policy and security.
Between 2015 and 2019, IAI was part...
Fostering a New Security Architecture in the Middle East
Start/End: 2020 - 2020The Middle East has experienced growing tensions as a result of competing geopolitical agendas and reciprocal meddling in the internal affairs of states. These dynamics are being reinforced by...
Europe and Iran in a fast-changing Middle East: Confidence-building measures, security dialogue and regional cooperation
Start/End: 2018 - 2019The regional order that prevailed in the Middle East since the end of the Cold War has come under increased strain as a result of the 2003 US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq and the consequent...
A comprehensive, integrated, and bottom-up approach to reset our understanding of the Mediterranean space, remap the region, and reconstruct inclusive, responsive, and flexible EU policies in it – MEDRESET
Start/End: 2016 - 2019Euro-Mediterranean policies, as well as research on them, have been characterized by a Euro-centric approach based on a narrow geopolitical construction of the Mediterranean. Moreover,...
Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture: Mapping geopolitical shifts, regional order and domestic transformations – MENARA
Start/End: 2016 - 2019The project – co-led by CIDOB, Barcelona, and IAI, that also leads the Work Packages (WPs) on the policy options and on dissemination and communication - aims to shed light on the historical,...
The EU’s New Resilience Agenda in the MENA Region
Start/End: 2017 - 2018The new EU Global Strategy (EUGS) ‘Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe’ unveiled in late June 2016 could represent a point of departure to re-calibrate the EU’s external and security...
POWER2YOUTH - Freedom, dignity and justice
Start/End: 2014 - 2017Power2Youth is a consortium made up of 12 institutes and universities funded by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7). The project studied the causes and effects of processes of...