Forza NEC programme and Europe
Start/End: 2011 - 2012The main goal of this project is to examine how the growing complexity of the international security environment, the increasing "joint and combined" dimension of military operations, and the new...
Strengthening the Africa-EU partnership on peace and security: how to engage African sub-regional organisations and civil society
Start/End: 2012 - 2012The objective of this project was to assess which policies and initiatives the European Union and the African Union should take to involve African sub-regional organizations and civil society in...
Future prospects for the EU budget
Start/End: 2011 - 2012In the 2011-12, the IAI’s work on this topic resulted in seminars – the latest, organised in cooperation with Notre Europe, took place in Turin in July 2011 – and two publications, one in Italian...
SAGA - Satellite Advanced Global Architecture for Security
Start/End: 2011 - 2012The main objective of the project is to identify potential innovative solutions for the realization of a global satellite architecture providing communication services that respond to the...
The Mediterranean Microcosm in the Broader Relationship Between the West and the Arab-Muslim World - A study project
Start/End: 2010 - 2012The project analyses the nature of societal change in the western Mediterranean region (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia) and its likely impact on transatlantic relations. The project,...
MERCURY – Multilateralism and the European Union in the contemporary global order
Start/End: 2009 - 2012MERCURY was a three-year research project coordinated by the University of Edimburgh. It analysed the various forms of multilateralism worldwide adopting a definition of multilateralism that takes...
NEWA – New European WAtcher
Start/End: 2010 - 2012Project aimed at the development of space-based radar technology for the detection, identification, and tracking of moving objects. IAI has a role in defining security scenarios in which such...
G-MOSAIC - GMES services for Management of Operations, Situation Awareness and Intelligence for regional Crises
Start/End: 2009 - 2012Within the context of the GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) initiative for security, G-MOSAIC research project aims at developing services for the provision of geo-spatial...
ICPA (ISR Capability Package Assessment study)
Start/End: 2011 - 2012Through the definition and analysis of specific operational scenarios derived from Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions, the project aims at identifying and assess current gaps in...
La Primavera Araba: Sfide e Opportunità Sociali e Economiche
Start/End: 2011 - 2011This project, carried out with the support of the Italian Consiglio Nazionale dell’Economia e del Lavoro (CNEL), focuses its attention on three case studies: Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia. The...