The Mediterranean: politics, economics, strategy. Volume two: Domestic development and external actors
This paper is part of a series dedicated to the problems of the Mediterranean which the Istituto Affari Internazionali is publishing within the framework of a research project financed by the Ford Foundation, dedicated to the problems of the Mediterranean.
Roma, IAI, 1976, 130 p. -
Index of Tables
Part III. Domestic Development
I. Iran / Stefano Vona
II. Libya / Stefano Vona
Ill. The countries of the Maghreb / Giacomo Luciani
IV. The Middle East / Giacomo Luciani
V. The Iberian Peninsula / Giacomo Luciani
VI. Greece, Turkey, Cyprus / Paolo Guerrieri
VII. The Balkans / Franco Passacantando
Part IV. External Actors
I. External Actors in the Mediterranean / Luigi Troiani
II. The EEC Policy towards the Mediterranean / Luigi Troiani
Ill. The Multinational Corporations’ Strategy in the Mediterranean / Giacomo Luciani