Papers produced in the framework of MENARA, a project co-led by CIDOB (Barcelona) and IAI, and funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme. MENARA aims to shed light on the historical, political, economic and social dynamics that are affecting the Middle East and North Africa.Guidelines for authors (EN, 250 kb).
Embeddedness and/or Periphery: The MENA Region in the Global Order
In: MENARA Papers Policy Briefs 4
Transformations of State and Society in the MENA Region
In: MENARA Papers Policy Briefs 3
The Art of the (Im)Possible
Silvia Colombo, Marc Otte, Eduard Soler i Lecha, Nathalie Tocci
In: MENARA Papers Final Reports 4
Sustainable Development in the MENA Region
Edgar Göll, André Uhl, Jakob Zwiers
In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 20
Struggling for a Sustainable Economy: Iran after the JCPOA
László Csicsmann
In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 19
A Half-Empty Glass: Limits and Dilemmas of the EU's Relations to the MENA Countries
Silvia Colombo, Eduard Soler i Lecha, Marc Otte
In: MENARA Papers Working Papers 32
Women and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa
Katerina Dalacoura
In: MENARA Papers Final Reports 3