Papers produced in the framework of JOINT, a project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme. JOINT’s key goal is to address the question of how the EU and its member states can make their foreign and security policy structures more joined-up and sustainable.
A Joined-Up Union, a Stronger Europe
Riccardo Alcaro, Pol Bargués, Hylke Dijkstra, Zachary Paikin
In: JOINT Papers JOINT Research Paper 8
The Continued Downturn of US–China Relations and Beijing's Approach to the Ukraine Crisis
Shi Yinhong
In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 11
The Return of US Leadership in Europe
Riccardo Alcaro
In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 10
Laying the Groundwork for Peace in a Fragmented Libya
Jesutimilehin O. Akamo
In: JOINT Papers JOINT Brief 8