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Focus euroatlantico n. 20 (febbraio-luglio 2022)


The second issue of the 2022 Euro-Atlantic Focus begins, as usual, with an analysis of the state of play in the transatlantic relationship (supplemented by a number of graphs and tables in the appendix) by Riccardo Alcaro. Russia’s war of conquest in Ukraine has dominated the transatlantic agenda. In the first essay, Nona Mikhelidze argues that Western experts’ inability to grasp the rationality behind Putin’s decision-making process and his choice to start a major war depends on the unwillingness to consider how deeply the ideology of Putin and his regime contributes to construct the national interest. The second essay explains how EU energy security has been impacted by the war in Ukraine. Marco Giuli points out that Russia’s aggression began in a pre-existing context of simmering tensions in international energy markets. In the third essay, Beatrice Gallelli takes stock of China-Russia relations. Gallelli argues that China’s leadership has walked a tightrope since the early stages of the invasion, in the attempt not to alienate Ukraine, an important trade partner, without disavowing its partnership with Russia. China’s ambiguity has contributed to straining its relations with the EU, as attested to by the “dialogue of the deaf” on display during the April EU-China summit.

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