The Middle East in Global Change. The Politics and Economics of Interdependence versus Fragmentation

This book originates from an effort to answer two apparently simple questions: how is change in the post-Cold War international system influencing change in the Middle East and North African countries? And how is change in that part of the world influencing the shaping of the new international system?
What are the prospects of the Middle East region moving 'from a warfare to a welfare'? A group of leading scholars of the MIddle East and North Africa (political scientists, economists, sociologists, strategic analysts, and historians) adopt a common political economy approach to answer this much debated question.
Results of a two-year research project (1993-95) conducted by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).
List of Tables, p. vii
List of Maps and Figures, p. viii
Notes on Contributors, p. ix
Acknowledgements, p. x
Introduction, Laura Guazzone, p. xi-xiv
Part I. Key Issues of Middle East Interdependence
1. Political Reform in the Middle East, Augustus Richard Norton, p. 3-22
2. Arab Political Currents, Arab-European Relations and Mediterraneanism, Paul E. Salem, p. 23-42
3. Turkey and the Middle East Northern Tier, Graham E. Fuller, p. 43-57
4. Disputes Over State Boundaries in the Middle East and North Africa, George H. Joffé, p. 58-94
5. Demography, Migration and Security in the Middle East, Nazli Choucri, p. 95-118
6. Macroeconomic Tendencies and Policy Options in the Arab Region, Mahmoud Abdel-Fadil, p. 119-134
7. The Old/New Middle East, Bahgat Korany, p. 135-150
Part II. The Middle East Between Globalism and Regionalism
8. Globalism and Regionalism in the World Economy and the Middle East, Paolo Guerrieri, p. 153-173
9. The Political Economy of Regional Integration in the Middle East, Piercarlo Padoan, p. 174-200
10. The Middle East and the End of the Cold War, Stephen D. Krasner, p. 201-215
11. Change and Continuity in Western Policies Towards the Middle East, Roberto Aliboni, p. 216-236
12. A Map and Some Hypotheses for the Future of the Middle East, Laura Guazzone, p. 237-259
Bibliography, p. 260-272
Index, p. 273-285