Publications > Tutti, Israele + Medioriente + Nord Africa + Palestina + Usa


The road to Paris

Luca Franza, Lorenzo Colantoni

In: Other papers and articles

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The Political Economy of Education in the Arab World

Hicham Alaoui, Robert Springborg

In: Books

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Clean Molecules across the Mediterranean

Luca Franza

In: Other papers and articles

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La difesa missilistica dell'Europa e l'Italia: capacità e cooperazione. Executive summary

Alessandro Marrone, Karolina Muti

In: Documenti IAI 21|06

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Europe's Missile Defence and Italy: Capabilities and Cooperation

Alessandro Marrone, Karolina Muti

In: Documenti IAI 21|05

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Europe and the 'New' Middle East. Geopolitical shifts and strategic choices

Silvia Colombo, Eduard Soler i Lecha

In: Other papers and articles

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From Tectonic Shifts to Winds of Change in North Africa and the Middle East: Europe’s Role

Nathalie Tocci, Riccardo Alcaro, Francesca Caruso

In: IAI Papers 21|12

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La governance globale dei dati e la sovranità digitale europea

Carolina Polito

In: IAI Papers 21|11

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