Publications > Tutti, Germania + Industria della difesa + Italia + Politica militare dell'Italia


Gestione Covid-19: implicazioni per la Difesa Civile e la Protezione Civile

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In: Other papers and articles

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Cyber Defence in NATO Countries: Comparing Models

Alessandro Marrone, Ester Sabatino

In: IAI Papers 21|05

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Italia ed Europa di fronte alla crisi libica

Silvia Colombo

In: Books

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La difesa cibernetica nei Paesi NATO: modelli a confronto

Alessandro Marrone, Ester Sabatino

In: Reports for Parliament Approfondimenti 164

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The Quest for European Strategic Autonomy – A Collective Reflection

Ester Sabatino, Daniel Fiott, Dick Zandee

In: Documenti IAI 20|22

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How to Turn Rural Europe into a Welcoming Space for Migrants

Irene Ponzo

In: IAI Commentaries 20|89

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NATO's Future: Euro-Atlantic Alliance in a Peacetime War

Alessandro Marrone, Karolina Muti

In: IAI Papers 20|28

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