Social Europe: The struggle for a just peace in Israel and Palestine
20/10/2023 -
Al Jazeera, Inside Story: What has been the effect of Western policy on Palestine and Israel?
12/10/2023 -
Council of Councils: Global Perspectives on the Hamas Attacks on Israel
12/10/2023 -
The Guardian: Nagorno-Karabakh’s tragedy has echoes of Europe’s dark past. But a remedy lies in Europe too
02/10/2023 -
The Guardian: ‘She plays the moderate but winks at those who are not’: the many faces of Giorgia Meloni
21/09/2023 -
The Diplomat: Italy Wants to Exit the Belt and Road – But Without Curbing Ties With China
21/09/2023 -
The Guardian: War in Ukraine is revealing a new global order – and the ‘power south’ is the winner
20/09/2023 -
Aspenia Online: Ukraine’s counteroffensive and a potential stalemate scenario
19/09/2023 -
BBC News Channel: migratory flows and policies
17/09/2023 -
Politico: When in doubt, Europe scuttles back to euro-acronyms
15/09/2023 -
BBC News: Lampedusa: 7,000 migrants arrive on Italian island in three days
15/09/2023 -
Al Jazeera English: Has Italy's approach to migration failed?