Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Gas naturale + Gasdotti e oleodotti + Petrolio


This Time is Different. The "COVID-Shock" and Future of the Global Oil Market

Giuliano Garavini

In: IAI Commentaries 20|18

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Fostering Positive Private Sector Engagement in the Med Energy Landscape

Nicolò Sartori, Margherita Bianchi

In: IAI Commentaries 19|69

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Turmoil in South America and the Impact on Energy Markets

Lisa Viscidi

In: IAI Papers 19|26

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Energia nel Mediterraneo e il ruolo del settore privato

Nicolò Sartori, Margherita Bianchi

In: IAI Papers 19|21

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Hydrocarbons Will Determine the Political Future of Cyprus

Mustafa Ergün Olgun

In: IAI Papers 19|20

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From Findings to Market

Margherita Bianchi

In: Documenti IAI 19|18

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From Findings to Market: Perspectives and Challenges for the Development of Gas Resources in the East Med

Nicolò Sartori, Margherita Bianchi

In: Global Turkey in Europe Working Papers 22

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Deal or No-Deal? Beyond the Hype on Ukraine Gas Transit Negotiations

Danila Bochkarev

In: IAI Commentaries 19|45

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La sicurezza energetica nazionale

Nicolò Sartori

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Drone Attacks on Saudi Oil Infrastructure are a Calibrated Message from Iran

Michaël Tanchum

In: IAI Commentaries 19|35

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