Focus euroatlantico, n. 11 (gennaio-marzo 2019)
Riccardo Alcaro
In: Studi per il Parlamento Focus euroatlantico 11
Struggling for a Sustainable Economy: Iran after the JCPOA
László Csicsmann
In: MENARA Papers Future Notes 19
Supporting global governance: A rules-based approach for a post-liberal order?
Hylke Dijkstra
In: Altri paper e articoli EU Global Strategy Watch ; 10
Unpredictability in US foreign policy and the regional order in the Middle East: reacting vis-à-vis a volatile external security-provider
Jordi Quero, Andrea Dessì
In: Altri paper e articoli
Venezuela's Crisis: Italy Clashes with the EU Common Approach
Nicola Bilotta
In: IAI Commentaries 19|09
Ideology, Not Russia or China, Explains US Pullout from the INF
Riccardo Alcaro
In: IAI Commentaries 19|08
Crunch Time for Europe to Save the Iran Nuclear Deal
Riccardo Alcaro
In: IAI Commentaries 19|07
Focus euroatlantico, n. 10 (ottobre-dicembre 2018)
Riccardo Alcaro
In: Studi per il Parlamento Focus euroatlantico 10
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 1, March 2019
The Unintended Consequences of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Negotiations
Ferdi De Ville, Niels Gheyle
In: The International Spectator 54/1
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 1, March 2019
Libya and the US: A Fatal Nexus
Roberto Aliboni
In: The International Spectator 54/1
The International Spectator, Vol. 54, No. 1, March 2019