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An observatory on the European Constitution

2004 - 2006

IAI's pluriannual activity regarding the debate on Europe's future continued in 2005 with the monitoring of the ratification processes of the new Constitutional Treaty in various European countries. Starting with considerations voiced in 2004 (see G. Tosato, E. Greco, "The EU Constitutional Treaty: How to Deal with the Ratification Bottleneck" presented in Rome in November 2004), the debate continued with the examination of potential scenarios in the event of countries failing to ratify the Treaty. Last spring IAI continued the debate on the ratification process of the EU Constitutional Treaty with the publication of the policy paper by Gian Luigi Tosato and Ettore Greco on "How to proceed if France or The Netherlands votes "no"". After the hold produced by the two referendums, with the beginning of autumn the debate on possible options to solve the institutional crisis have resumed. IAI has continued its activities on the subject through two informative papers on proposals that had emerged in Italy and Europe and on the state of ratification in various EU countries (IAI0521, pdf, 46kb and IAI0531, pdf, 35kb).