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Future prospects for the EU budget

2011 - 2012

In the 2011-12, the IAI’s work on this topic resulted in seminars – the latest, organised in cooperation with Notre Europe, took place in Turin in July 2011 – and two publications, one in Italian in the Quaderni IAI series and one in English in the IAI’s peer reviewed foreign policy journal, The International Spectator. In particular, these studies provide an in-depth analysis of the Italian government’s position on this issue in view of the negotiations on the next EU budget (financial perspectives 2014-2020). In 2012, the IAI continued to analyse some of the crucial issues of the future EU financial perspectives, with the aim of putting forward new proposals designed to give substance to the EU’s role in the economy and the internal market, with an eye to the future of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Special attention was paid to the possibility of using the budget to assist economic growth in a context strongly influenced by the economic and financial crisis and the sovereign debt crisis.
» Rome, 30 October: Workshop “The EU budget: a driving force for changing Europe?”: Images

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