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Quanto conta il Parlamento europeo per l'Italia? Un'analisi del dibattito parlamentare e pubblico tra il 2009 e il 2014


The study aims at investigating the extent to which the European Parliament might have influenced Italian institutional, political and public opinions. Specifically, the analysis addresses 15 positions or binding resolutions voted by the EP during its 7th term (2009-2014) and attempts to measure their impact on three levels, namely on debates held by Italian institutional representatives, political actors and civil society. The analysis is part of a wider research project titled "European Parliament votes that shaped EU and national politics 2009-2014". Promoted by Notre Europe and VoteWatch Europe, the above project has involved 19 European research centres from 28 Member States. The methodology adopted to conduct the study has included speech analysis and the examination of public sources, political statements, parliamentary and official documents, newspapers articles, working papers and opeds.

Paper prepared by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in collaboration with Centro studi sul federalismo (CSF) within the framework of the project "European Parliament votes that shaped EU and national politics 2009-2014", launched by VoteWatch Europe and Notre Europe-Jacques Delors Institute. Presented at the IAI-CSF conference "L'Italia guarda a Strasburgo? Il Parlamento europeo e il dibattito politico italiano", Turin, 14 April 2014.

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