The Mediterranean: politics, economics, strategy. Volume one: The scenario and the crises
This paper is part of a series dedicated to the problems of the Mediterranean which the Istituto Affari Internazionali is publishing within the framework of a research project financed by the Ford Foundation, dedicated to the problems of the Mediterranean.
Rome, IAI, 1976, 118 p. -
Index of Tables
Part I. The Mediterranean Scenario
I. Hydrocarbons and other resources / Georges Irani, Giuseppe Leuzzi
II. Labour and Migration in the Mediterranean / Raffaele De Mucci
Ill. Regional Cooperation within the Mediterranean / Giuseppe Leuzzi
IV. Military Alliances and Deployment of Forces / Gianluca Devoto, Sergio Augusto Rossi, Stefano Silvestri
Part II. Crises within the Mediterranean
I. The Palestinians / Samir Al Qaryouti, Adachiara Zevi
II. Inter-Arab relations / Gianpaolo Calchi Novati
Ill. Crisis in Lebanon / Giuseppe Leuzzi
IV. The Gulf / Margherita Paolini
V. Relations between Morocco and Spain / Fabio Tana
Appendix: The Western Sahara / Pier Virgilio Dastoli
VI. Iraki-Iranian Relations / Fabio Tana
VII. Cyprus / Luigi Troiani
VIII. Yugoslavja, the Balkans and the Mediterranean / Francesco Gozzano