Director: Riccardo Alcaro
IAI Papers reflect the work being conducted within IAI research projects and areas of expertise and are aimed at stimulating reactions from other experts in the field. They present concise analytical and/or policy-oriented analysis of topical issues in Italian, European and global affairs.
Guidelines for authors (EN, 30 kb).
For titles published before 2018 see IAI Working Papers.
The Transatlantic Dimension of Europe's Nuclear Diplomacy with Iran: 2003–21
Riccardo Alcaro
In: IAI Papers 21|21
Europe–Africa Connectivity Outlook 2021: Post-Covid-19 Challenges and Strategic Opportunities
Michaël Tanchum
In: IAI Papers 21|20
L'Unione europea tra autonomia strategica e sovranità tecnologica: problemi e opportunità
Jean Pierre Darnis
In: IAI Papers 21|19
China's Belt and Road Initiative in Italy: An Analysis of Financial Cooperation
Nicola Bilotta
In: IAI Papers 21|18
The Belt and Road Initiative in Italy: The Ports of Genoa and Trieste
Francesca Ghiretti
In: IAI Papers 21|17
The OSCE as Sisyphus: Mediation, Peace Operations, Human Rights
Philip Remler
In: IAI Papers 21|16
Technological Competition: Can the EU Compete with China?
Francesca Ghiretti
In: IAI Papers 21|15
Europe's Quest for Digital Sovereignty: GAIA-X as a Case Study
Simona Autolitano, Agnieszka Pawlowska
In: IAI Papers 21|14