Focus euroatlantico, n. 6 (ottobre 2017-gennaio 2018)
This issue begins, as usual, with an informed analysis of the state of play in the transatlantic relationship (supplemented by a number of graphs in appendix). As had been the case in the previous issue, the Focus delves again into the Iranian nuclear issue extensively. As the Europeans maintain that the deal is working, however, a transatlantic rift might just have been postponed. Meanwhile, Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has been met with criticisms in Europe. The US National Security Strategy is the topic of the first brief of the Focus. Ettore Greco argues that the Trump administration views international relations as an arena where nations compete in an often zero-sum game rather than as a community of nations that can cooperate on the basis of shared and common interests. In the second brief, Alessandro Marrone discusses the most important novelty in European defence, the permanent structured cooperation or ‘Pesco’. In the last brief Riccardo Alcaro explains (with Ettore Greco also contributing) that North Korea’s nuclear crisis threatens not only Northeast Asia’s security, but international stability and European interests as well.
Roma, Senato, January 2018, 32 p. -
Focus euroatlantico 06
Lo stato delle relazioni transatlantiche, di Riccardo Alcaro
La Strategia di sicurezza nazionale degli Stati Uniti, di Ettore Greco
Due scenari per l’Europa della difesa, di Alessandro Marrone
Il fronte nucleare nordcoreano e il ruolo dell’Europa, di Riccardo Alcaro con Ettore Greco
Agenda dei prossimi eventi internazionali
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