Observatory on European defence, October 2006

13 October 2006
European Commission - Research in the field of Security (PASR)
On 13 October, the DG Research of the European Commission made known the 15 new security research projects selected for “Preparatory Action in the field of Security Research” (PASR) 2006. Fifteen million euros have been allocated for the first research programme specifically dedicated to security inserted in the 7° Framework Programme (2007-2013).
The Istituto Affari Internazionali is involved in the project “Bio-terrorism Resilience, Research, Reaction” (BIO3R) and "STAkeholders platform for supply Chain mapping, market Conditions Analysis and Technologies Opportunities" (STACCATO).
16-17 October 2006
EU General Affairs and External Relations Council - ESDP Mission: Sudan, Iraq
The Council formally extended EU civil-military support for the African Union AMIS mission, II in Darfur (Sudan), until 31 December 2006. Ministers again called on Khartoum to authorize the transition of AMIS II into a UN force, as foreseen by UN Security Council Resolution no. 1706 (2006).
Upon the request of the Iraqi authorities, the Council extended the mandate of the integrated Rule of Law mission (EUJUST LEX) in Iraq. The EU commitment, which started on 1 July 2005, will last until the end of 2007, with an additional allocation of 11.3 million euros.
October 2006
Defence Ministers, European Defence Agency - EU Capabilities, Long-Term Vision
On 2 and 3 October, EU Defence Ministers held an informal meeting in Levi, Finland, focused on civil-military coordination, the development of military capabilities and the state of EU-led operations.
Ministers also endorsed a document issued by the European Defence Agency (EDA) Steering Board, entitled “An Initial Long-Term Vision for European Capability and Capacity Needs”. The document constitutes an initial base for EDA agenda planning in the medium and long term (20 years).
October 2006
NATO - Afghanistan, Intelligence Capability
On 5 October, the NATO ISAF mission took over command of the operations carried out in the East of Afghanistan, the fourth and last phase of the mission’s expansion. The approximately 31,000 men under NATO command include about 10,000 of the 20,000 Americans participating in Enduring Freedom, the counter-terrorism mission of the US-led coalition, who therefore pass under Atlantic Alliance command.
On 16 October, the official opening ceremony of the NATO Intelligence Fusion Centre (IFC) was held at the Royal Air Force base at Molesworth. The Centre, which has achieved Initial Operational Capability (IOC), provides support for command of Atlantic Alliance missions.
October 2006
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council - Countering International Terrorism, Borders Control, Civil Protection
The Justice and Home Affairs Council, meeting on 5 and 6 October, discussed measures related to the fight against international terrorism.
Ministers evaluated the implementation of the Hague Programme (2004-2009) and whether or not to strengthen the financial instrument for the EU civil protection activities, especially for rapid intervention, for the 2007-2013 period.
As concerns countering the phenomenon of illegal immigration, the Council approved reinforcement of the EU’s southern external maritime borders , the empowerment, also financial, of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX) - which currently manages patrol missions in the Mediterranean - and stated its hope for rapid establishment of Rapid Border Intervention Teams (RABIT), as foreseen in a proposal of the Commission.
Finally the Council approved an ad interim agreement between the EU and the United States on the Passenger Name Record (PNR), allowing the transfer of flight passenger data to US authorities. In particular, this new version of the agreement, which will remain in force until 31 July 2007 when a more complete and lasting regulatory framework will be set up, will facilitate the access to this date of US agencies engaged in counter-terrorism, e.g. the FBI.
Facilitation of data exchange was also the object of the new cooperation agreement between the United States and Eurojust approved on 24 October, which will facilitate access to information, joint investigations, the use of high-ranking liaison officers and common meetings.
The EU aim to improve its institutional coordination vis-à-vis terrorist attacks. This was the focus of the first EU exercise held on 30 October with the participation and commitment of the Council and the European Commission, the “Emergency and Crisis Coordination Arrangements Exercise” (CCA EX06).
October 2006
EU - Non Proliferation, North Korea
On 9 October, North Korea conducted a nuclear test that was immediately condemned by the international community. On 14 October, concern about the impact that proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of delivery could have on the stability of the region, led the UN Security Council to adopt a new Resolution (1718), strongly supported by the EU.
The General Affairs and External Relations Council, meeting on 16 and 17 October, agreed to take the measures needed for integral application of the provisions foreseen, including sanctions. The text asked Pyongyang, in addition to renouncing further tests, to return to the six-party talks for nuclear disarmament with China, South Korea, Japan, Russia and the United States which have been blocked for months. This request has in principle been fulfilled by North Korea in an agreement signed on 31 October with the United States and China.
Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, 2006 -