EU Defence Industrial Initiatives: A Quantum Leap Is Needed
Gaia Ravazzolo, Alessandro Marrone
In: IAI Commentaries 24|79
From Strategic to Tech-oriented Minilateralism: GCAP as a Platform to Accelerate Military Technology Development
Alice Dell’Era, Matteo Piasentini
In: The International Spectator 59/4
The International Spectator, Vol. 59, No. 4, December 2024 -
More Active, but with Limits: The Military Forces of Germany, Italy and Japan since 1989
Giuseppe Spatafora
In: The International Spectator 59/4
The International Spectator, Vol. 59, No. 4, December 2024 -
US-Germany Missile Agreement: Deterrence or Escalation?
Polina Sinovets
In: IAI Commentaries 24|69
Trump, Ukraine and NATO: Two Crossroads for Europe
Alessandro Marrone
In: IAI Commentaries 24|67
Artillery in Present and Future High-Intensity Operations
Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone
In: Documenti IAI 24|10
What Are the Main Drivers of Member States’ Defence Procurement Practices? The Italian Case
Alessandro Marrone
In: Other papers and articles
Climate Security at NATO: Looking Beyond Today’s Wars
Louise van Schaik
In: IAI Commentaries 24|46
NATO and the Southern Neighbourhood: Challenges and Opportunities for Italy
Giovanni Parigi
In: IAI Commentaries 24|45
Stato dell’arte dei velivoli da combattimento senza pilota e prospettive future
Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone
In: Documenti IAI 24|08
Le minacce cyber ed elettromagnetiche alle infrastrutture spaziali
Elio Calcagno, Alessandro Marrone, Maria Vittoria Massarin
In: Documenti IAI 24|07
NATO and Italy in the 75th Anniversary of the Alliance: Perspectives beyond the Washington Summit
Alessandro Marrone, Gaia Ravazzolo
In: Documenti IAI 24|06