Observatory on European defence, January 2004

1 January 2004
Irish Presidency of the EU - ESDP Program
Ireland will chair the EU Council from 1 January to 30 June 2004.
The program for the semester presented by the Presidency includes a European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) dimension, as well as the advancement of the Intergovernmental Conference negotiations (the proposed Constitution contains provisions on defence policy that were opposed by Ireland in the past).
The Presidency program for ESDP includes:
- implementation of the Security Strategy approved in December
- strengthening the multilateral fora, the UN in particular, and multilateral action on non proliferation and disarmament
- conflict prevention
- improvement of transatlantic relations
- development of new capabilities, in particular in the area of non military crisis management
- advancement of the European Defence Agency
- EU take over of NATO SFOR military mission in Bosnia Ireland is not a member of NATO and the WEU.
5 January 2004
NATO Secretary General - EU-NATO Relations
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, a Dutch diplomat, is the new Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance.
The priorities of his four-year mandate include strengthening relations between the US and its European partners, as well as between NATO and the EU.
21 January 2004
NAC-PSC - SFOR, Liaison Officers
The first meeting in the new year between NATO and the EU was held in Brussels.
The Ambassadors discussed the possible EU takeover of the NATO SFOR mission in Bosnia, foreseen for the end of 2004, and the exchange of liaison officers between the different planning cells of the two institutions (SHAPE and the new born European Planning Cell), as established in December.
28 January 2004
European Defence Agency - Appointment
The High Representative for CFSP, Javier Solana, appointed Nick Witney, UK Defence officer, director of the European Defence Agency Establishment Team. Witney was chosen over Laurent Giovacchini, the French candidate. By April, the Team shall present the proposals for the Agency’s implementation to the Council.
A Common Action on the Agency should be adopted by the end of this year.
Roma, Istituto affari internazionali, 2004 -