Shale Gas and Renewables: A Boost for Transatlantic Energy Relations?

Nicolò Sartori stresses the importance of Turkey's contribution to transatlantic energy security. He argues that energy cooperation between Turkey and its Western partners continues to be a central factor in shaping Ankara's foreign policy, influencing the evolution of its partnership with both the European Union and the United States. He argues that new trends in energy could trigger a partial shift of paradigm in transatlantic energy relations, and offers a number of recommendations to take the transatlantic energy relationship forward.
in Daniel S. Hamilton, Aylin Ünver Noi and Serdar Altay (eds), Turkey in the North Atlantic Marketplace, Washington, Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2018, p. 221-235 -
978-1-947661-07-3; 978-1-947661-08-0 (ebk)