Multinational Experiment 7 Outcome 3: Cyber Domain Objective 3.3

Concept Framework: Multinational Experiment 7 (MNE 7) is a two-year multinational and interagency Concept Development and Experimentation (CD&E) effort aimed to improve coalition capabilities to ensure access to and use of the global commons domains (air, maritime, space and cyber) through application of the comprehensive approach. The international community has a limited ability to govern the cyber common. International law rules can provide a useful framework for the purposes of MNE 7 solution development and experimentation. The MNE7 problem statement leads to a comprehensive approach. It was thus considered from a strategy perspective, namely ends, ways and means and then viewed through four study areas (international norms and legal frameworks; threat assessment and vulnerability analysis; situational awareness and information sharing; and inter-domain concepts and planning constructs), and across the global commons. As major project outputs, Decision Makers will be provided with tools capable to perform sufficient understanding and situational awareness of their own networks and relevant parts of wider cyberspace, in order to ensure access to and freedom of action within the cyber common. In such a context, the aim of MNE7 objective 3.3 is to improve partners and coalition members understanding of the current legal framework applicable to the cyber common, in order to handle cyber incidents, while providing Decision Makers with the appropriate tools that support decision options for response. At this first step, objective 3.3 produced an overarching Concept Framework that outlines the main international law rules applicable to the cyber common. The purpose of the Concept Framework is to deliver a tool to participating nations that will enable them to achieve an improved understanding of the current legal frameworks applicable to the cyber common, in order to assess, handle and make the appropriate response to emerging cyber incidents in accordance with international law.
Guidelines for Decision Makers: The aim of MNE7 [Multinational Experiment 7] Objective 3.3 is to improve partners' and coalition members' understanding of the current legal frameworks applicable to the cyber domain in order to better handle cyber incidents, while providing decision makers with the appropriate tools for decision-making andm options for response. Guidelines for Decision Makers - Legal Analysis for Cyber Incidents (GDMs) are envisaged as the MNE7 Obj. 3.3 solution to provide the Decision Makers' legal advisors and Subject-matter Experts (SMEs), primarily at the political and the strategic level, with a practical instrument to a. pin down, in a coherent framework, the main elements and features of a given cyber incident b. support the analysis conducted by legal experts through an international legal perspective c. identify the legal threshold crossed by a cyber incident in terms of violation of the international law d. recommend, through the legal assessment process and the dialogue among legal experts, lawful options for response.
Multinational Experiment 7 (MNE7): Access to the Global Commons, October 2012