The EU and the Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel

For the first time, this new report examines EU policies toward the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel, which comprises around 20% of the population of the state. The report argues that besides the EU’s stated goal to promote human rights and democracy in the neighborhood countries, there is a peace and stability imperative that requires a more pro-active EU policy towards this minority. In light of the recent "anti-democratic" legislation targeting the basic citizenship rights of the minority, and the negative link drawn by the Israeli government between the MEPP and Arab citizens’ rights, this report offers concrete recommendations on how the EU can strengthen it policy towards the Palestinian Arab minority. The analysis conduced in the report tackles:
- The bilateral EU-Israel relationship and its impact on the rights of the minority
- The integral link between the minority and the Middle East Peace Process (MEPP)
- The role of the EU in promoting respect for the rights of the Palestinian Arab minority as part of its objective to support peace, security and stability in the Middle East
Brussels, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN), February 2011, 68 p. -
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. The context: An overview of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel
2.1. Minorities, minority rights and the Palestinian Arab minority
2.2. The situation of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel
3. EU policy towards the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel
3.1. The EU’s position on the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel
3.2. The EU’s policy instruments and the Palestinian Arab minority
3.2.1 A common tale: The absence of conditionality
3.2.2 A deafening silence: Declaratory diplomacy
3.2.3 An occasional subject: Political dialogue
3.2.4 Assistance and cooperation: The paradoxes of a developed economy with a development problem
4. Explaining EU Policy towards the Palestinian Arab minority
4.1. The EU, Israel and the "Jewishness" of the state
4.2. The EU, minorities and minority rights
4.2.1 Legal ambiguities
4.2.2 Divergent practices within the EU
4.2.3 Foreign policy implications
5. Justifying a more active engagement towards the Palestinian Arab minority: peace and stability in the region
6. Conclusions and recommendations
Annex I
Project Background
List of abbreviations