Building Blocks for the Euro-Mediterranean Charter on Peace and Stability

This is the final report generated by the EuroMeSCo Working Group on the Charter. The report is divided into three parts. The first one deals with general political and institutional issues; the second and third parts elaborate on the instruments the Charter is supposed to set up to make joint Euro-Med decisions and actions possible. On the basis of the achievement of an enhanced political dialogue, the report sets forth proposals to establish a number of instruments to obtain common early warning and take eventually joint action in the field of conflict prevention, like situation centres, conflict prevention centres and planning units.
Final report of the EuroMeSCo Working Group on the the Euro-Med Charter for Peace and Stability (Working Group II). Published also in French: "Echafauder la Charte Euro-Méditerranéenne pour la paix et la stabilité", in Roberto Aliboni, Fouad Ammor, Álvaro De Vasconcelos, Intégration et sécurité dans l'espace euro-méditerranéen, Lisboa, EuroMeSco Secretariat, 2002, p. 57-112.
Lisboa, EuroMeSCo Secretariat at the IEEI, June 2002, 18 p. (EuroMeSCo Papers ; 17)
1. A Firmer Common Ground
1.1. Reshuffling priorities
1.2. Revising the political and institutional balance
1.3. Soft security and the Charter's normative character
1.4. Conflict prevention and conflict resolution
1.5. Fragmentation, Security Indivisibility and Differentiation
2. Partnership-Building Measures
2.1. Conceptualising PBMs
2.1.1. Perceptions and common ground
2.1.2. A PBMs Typology: common grounds, functions and time
2.2. Military-Related CBMs Working as PBMs
2.3. A Tentative List of PBMs
2.3.1. Status-Enhancing Measures
2.3.2. Reassuring Measures
2.3.3. Broad Partnership-Building Measures
3. Conflict Prevention and Peace Support
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