The Community and the Emerging European Democracies

Report to Delors prepared by the six European institutes of international affairs: Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, Institut français des relations internationales, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen “Clingendael”, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. Published also in Italian (La Comunità Europea e le nascenti democrazie dell'est), French (La Communauté et les nouvelles democraties européennes) and German (Die EG und die jungen Demokratien in Europa).
Preface, Cesare Merlini, p. 5-6
1. A reunited Europe?, Dominique Moïsi, p. 7-11
2. The EC and Eastern Europe over the longer term, ]an Q. Th. Rood, p. 13-26
3. The economic requirements for successful association, Heinz Kramer and Friedemann Müller, p. 27-42
4. EC policy towards the Soviet Union, Ole Diehl, p. 43-52
5. New patterns of partnership, ].M.C. Rollo and Helen Wallace, p. 53-65
6. The broader political framework, Gianni Bonvicini, p. 67-77
7. Recornrnendations, p. 79-89
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