News > European Union

Seminar organised in cooperation with Ceps. Presentation of the results of the IAI research on "EUnited against crime: Improving criminal justice in the European Union cyberspace", supported by...


The future of Europe and of the European Union is at stake. This watershed moment of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought urgency in addressing numerous challenges.
Does Europe want...


The winners of the IAI Essay Competition discussed their visions of Europe and their ideas for its relaunch in a public debate featuring prominent personalities from the worlds of culture, sports...


Webinar co-organised by the ECFR Rome office and IAI


Filippo Fasulo, Co-Head, Centre for Business Scenarios,...


In collaboration with the Embassy of Japan to Italy, the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome is organizing a one-day event comprising a morning closed door Track 1.5 Dialogue and an...


The symposium is a two-day event calling European and Japanese experts from major research and government institutes to discuss the current challenges and opportunities in the relationship between...


On 27 May 2021, the European Union and Japan announced their intention to form a Green Alliance to accelerate their respective transition towards a climate-neutral, circular and resource efficient...


Disinformation campaigns that seek to undermine and delegitimize democratic systems have become pervasive during the pandemic. The European Union and Japan have recognised the urgent priority of...


From the impact of US-China competition to the European Union's renewed interest in the Indo-Pacific region, there are many domains in which Brussels and Tokyo could strengthen their security...


The pandemic crisis and the geopolitical implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine are acting as potential accelerators of ongoing transformations in the economic and political international...
