Sub-Saharan Africa has become the focal point of the EU’s external migration policy, but the risk now is a relapse into short-term...
Italy's struggle to devise an effective migration management system - and to reform the EU's asylum system - moves in parallel with the fight...
The December issue of The International Spectator, IAI’s international affairs journal published by Routledge, is now online...
On December 11, IAI held a conference in Addis Ababa at which it presented the results of its research project, “The security-migration-...
"A large part of a country's security is today defined by events beyond one's national borders. In Italy's case on the other side of the Mediterranean". Marco Minniti...
IAI Board of Directors meets Marco Minniti, Italian Minister of the Interior
Conference in cooperation with CCSD, Center for Civil Society and Democracy
The European Union’s Court of Justice riaffirmed the EU's founding principle of solidarity, rejecting legal action by Hungary...
Workshop in the framework of the "Global Turkey in Europe" research project, in cooperation with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)
Meeting with Gerald Knaus, Chairman, the European Stability Initiative (ESI), Berlin, Brussels and Istanbul