News > Italy

Italy's national elections failed to produce a winner with enough support to form a parliamentary majority, leaving few options for any new government...


IAI hosted Italy's launch of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (J.E.D.I), a Franco-German project bringing together companies and institutions with the aim...


On the opening day of the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchan, already renown in Seoul as the ‘Peace Games’, the Istituto Affari Internazionali is hosting a meeting to reassess the current state of...


Despite the recent increase in euro-scepticism in Italy, European defence cooperation enjoys the substantial support of the political...


Italy's struggle to devise an effective migration management system - and to reform the EU's asylum system - moves in parallel with the fight...


The December issue of The International Spectator, IAI’s international affairs journal published by Routledge, is now online...


Book presentation "State Building in Libya. Integrating Diversities, Traditions and Citizenship", organised in cooperation with Reset Dialogues on Civilizations.


"A large part of a country's security is today defined by events beyond one's national borders. In Italy's case on the other side of the Mediterranean". Marco Minniti...


With 23 of the EU's current 28 member states joining the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), the European Union took a...


Conference co-organised by IAI and Nctm Law Firm
