News > Italy

By focusing on five fields of cooperation between China and Italy, the lecture will shed light on whether the Belt and Road Initiative MoU has brought about an intensification of bilateral...


Webinar with Virginia Kirst (Die Welt Italia), Maria Latella (LUISS Guido Carli), Massimo Nava (Corriere della Sera), Amb. Michele Valensise (Villa Vigoni), Ferdinando Nelli Feroci (IAI),...


Collaborations between Chinese and foreign media have been attracting international attention, including Francesca Ghiretti's and Lorenzo Mariani...


What are the elements and the impact of the inclusion of scientific cooperation within the 2019 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in support of the Belt and Road Initiative (...


Chinese media activity in Italy keeps arousing interest and curiosity. This webinar, set the framework of the project called "When Italy embraces the BRI", on the one hand, aims to present the...


The opportunity for a green recovery in the post Covid-19 crisis requires long-term commitments and policies. The G20 is in an ideal position to...


Beyond the media frenzy surrounding the appointment of Mario Draghi as prime minister, the incoming premier will face challenges as he seeks to implement the...


The spreading of the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic and social consequences have radically changed the reality of the 27 European Union member states. After...


Amid a devastating pandemic, the world needs 2021 to be a turning point. Under the presidency of Italy, G20 countries have the opportunity to come together and craft a collective...


After the signing of the memorandum of understanding between Italy and China, what have been the developments in the port and financial fields? Through the analysis of four experts, the webinar is...
