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A new series of research papers published in the IAI-led Sharaka project delve into different aspects of EU-GCC cooperation,...


As talks on a permanent nuclear agreement between world powers and Iran continue, three recent papers...


"The European Union is in the midst of the worst crisis of the last decades, an internal crisis that is affecting the development of a coherent foreign policy, forcing European countries to change...


"Today it is easy to lose focus trying to analyze the current Turkish political scenario," said Ömer Taspinar, expert on Turkey and Middle East affairs, professor at the National War College and...


Iran’s Hassan Rouhani seems to be the man of a "new course": the Iranian president has brought about changes in the country’s foreign policy, after years of Ahmadinejad’s antagonism with the West...


The latest issue of the Mediterranean Paper Series, published by IAI and the GMF, analyses the evolving security environment across North...


Four IAI working papers look at different dimensions of Turkey’s energy policy. Three papers analyse Ankara’s role...


A new IAI monograph commissioned by the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence offers an...


Model United Nations 2014, organized by Consules in cooperation with Chatham House and IAI


Round table on: "Ucraina al bivio: evoluzioni interne e prospettive internazionali"
